In January 2017, The Depot Jordan Valley Teen Center opened its doors to provide our community’s teens with a “Safe Place to BE and a Path to BECOME!” Since that opening day, we have served hundreds of teens and thousands of meals through the financial support of the generous folks in our community!

    Specifically, over the past year, your support and prayers have allowed us to increase and enhance the following services, resources, and programming that we provide:

    • In collaboration with a local donor, provided winter clothes & boots to 167 kids through our 2nd Annual “OPERATION: Winter Gear” program
    • Free school supplies to 220+ kids and free haircuts to 50+ kids through our 2nd Annual Back-2-School Bash
    • Hired a part-time Events Coordinator to work alongside our Outreach Director, Programming Coordinator, and Hospitality Coordinator
    • Added a 3rd day of weekly after-school programming
    • Provided Cooking, Art, and Civics classes after school on Thursdays
    • Provided over 3,200 hot meals during our after-school and summer programming days
    • Facilitate core value and self-esteem building bi-weekly mentoring to all 6th-grade classes at East Jordan Public Schools

    It is absolutely incredible seeing the heavens open to provide these opportunities! And this is where we need your help. To continue the progress we’ve made and focus additional resources on the future, we are asking for your donation today to help us achieve our next-level goals.

    With Much Gratitude & Appreciation,

    Scott Gillespie
    Outreach Director


    Donation checks can be made payable and mailed to:

    The Depot Teen Center
    PO Box 283
    East Jordan, MI 49727

    The Depot Jordan Valley Teen Center is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, Federal Tax ID# 36-4812633. No goods or services are received in consideration of this gift.

    Get In Touch


    "The Teen Zone"
    214 Main St. | PO Box 283
    East Jordan, MI 49727


    office | (231) 222-2224
    cell & text | (989) 444-1695

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