Volunteers are the “special sauce” that adds flavor to The Depot and makes it work!


    At the core of The Depot “Family” is a committed and passionate crew of volunteers who freely and generously give their time to pour into the lives of our community’s teens.

    They hail from a wide variety of walks of life but their common denominator is a love of kids and a desire to see them succeed in life.


    Excellent question! While no two “Depot Days” are the same, the typical ways our volunteers serve our teens on any given day could, to list just a few, include:

    • Helping prepare and serve meals with over 3,000 meals served every year!!
    • Roll a bowling ball with the teens and/or keep track of their bowling scores
    • As a mentor, provide insight and wisdom to teens with whom you make a special connection
    • “Spill the tea” (teen slang for “chat”) with one or a small group of teens about whatever is on their mind
    • Play pool, board games, cards, or do arts & crafts with the teens
    • Help clean up at the end of the day


    If you have any questions, you can call The Depot’s Outreach Director, Scott Gillespie, at (231) 222-2224. Before making a decision, many of our new volunteers first schedule a time to come visit and see us in action during one of our Monday, Wednesday, or Friday after-school sessions.

    Once ready to join The Depot Family, you will complete and submit a Volunteer Application. With the safety of our teens being a top priority, you will provide references and consent to a basic-level background check. (Click the button below to download and review/complete your Volunteer Application.)

    Get In Touch


    "The Teen Zone"
    214 Main St. | PO Box 283
    East Jordan, MI 49727


    office | (231) 222-2224
    cell & text | (989) 444-1695

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