Lisa Clavier recommended that I meet Scott Gillespie as his love for our community and care for our people are special, and he wants me to emphasize that he certainly loves helping our children.
First, a little background. Scott grew up in St. Charles, a small town very much like East Jordan, e.g., a single stoplight, the same school colors and fight song, and a town split by a river! He attended Ferris State University for two years studying graphic design, then transferred to Central Michigan University for an engineering degree. His early work was diverse, to say the least, including proto-type design for General Motors, Admissions Director for two colleges, Marketing Director for a roof installation company and a high-end restaurant, and owner of a Website Design and Marketing Agency. He also provided sales training and business coaching services as well as personal leadership development through the Rollie Denison Leadership Institute.
In 2014, Scott believes God was calling him to move “Up North” to East Jordan. Thankfully! Almost immediately, he helped design the website for The Depot Jordan Valley Teen Center, a faith-based 501(c)3 non-profit that serves teens in 6th-12th grades. Not only does The Depot ensure the teens have a safe place to go after school, but they also provide hot meals and a great environment for socializing as well as mentoring with life values from a passionate team of staff and volunteers.
After a few years of planning by several dedicated community members, Scott originally helped The Depot on a part-time basis open its doors in January 2017 and is now the full-time Outreach Director. He is grateful to have a very strong and diverse Board of Directors, an incredible staff and passionate volunteers right by his side, and financial support from the community who has generously embraced The Depot and its mission.
Scott Gillespie loves East Jordan and is always willing to help the community as a City Commissioner and volunteer with Little League baseball and Pop Warner football. East Jordan has a bright future with so many outstanding community leaders, Scott being one for sure, who love the community and are always ready to help.